UK and Rest of the World  
      In early 1979 there was a revolution in Iran. The Shah left never to return, and events led to a mass exodus of expatriates, many of whom were employed in the oil-producing areas of South Iran.
      For many years expatriates in the refinery town of Abadan and the surrounding area ran a thriving amateur theatre society which disbanded in early 1979 when its last members left. Through the ingenuity of a few people, which carried some risk, the liquid assets of the Society were transferred to the United Kingdom and used to fund a reunion of members in the Overseas League in London in August 1981.
      It was at this reunion that the ‘Abadan Society’ was launched. A debt of gratitude is owed to the original formation committee under the superb guidance of the late Eileen Farrell. Although its nucleus is the (now defunct) Abadan Amateur Theatre Society, whish is reflected in the name and the theatrical logo, the Abadan Society is open to anybody who lived in Iran – expatriate or Iranian – and their families. Members live all over the world, and there are organising committees in the United Kingdom/Europe and the USA, Since 1981, International Reunions have been held in Houston, Edinburgh, San Francisco, Amsterdam, New Orleans, Dublin, Stratford-upon-Avon, Washington DC, Maastricht, and Toronto. A further one will be held inYork in September 2009. Smaller local reunions are also held from time to time.
      The Society operates in two sections, namely UK and Rest of the World and USA/Canada
      Needless to say, members of the Society grow older and memories recede. However, all were privileged to share a life in Iran which can never be repeated, and most friendships were formed which remain stronger than most.
      The Society is totally non-political.

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